Week 1: Juxtaposition
Today makes one week since Trump was sworn in as President. I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't there but it began raining immediately after he was sworn in. I don't believe in superstitions like that but I must say--it felt eerie. Trump swearing in I call this post juxtaposition because of something that happened this week at school. If you don't know that word don't feel dumb. I didn't know it either until I was sitting in grad school classes and people kept saying it. Eventually, I looked it up. It means when two things are happening side-by-side or at the same time and they can be compared or contrasted. A funny juxtaposition https://satanicviews.wordpress.com/tag/juxtaposition/ Mr. Trump did a lot of things this week but there was an interesting juxtaposition that occurred in my world that I would like to discuss. On Wednesday at about 1pm central time, we had a presentation at school by Angel and Demetrius. Angel is Mexican-American...