
Showing posts from August, 2017

Weeks 29/30: Good People

This blog started when a group of students inspired me. A presidential candidate called their families “drug dealers, criminals, rapists.” He promised to build a wall separating them from their families, and to accelerate putting many of them behind that wall. Then he won. They had already invested time and money into attending the inauguration. They refused to back down. They marched through the capital wearing hats that read “upstander” across the top. They had no idea what the reaction of Trump supporters would be to their presence. They feared violence, but they went anyway. They were upstanders.   The upstanders in DC two days before the inauguration Their presence mattered. Them, along with so many others that day, sent a clear message to the president that this is their country, too. Since then, people have flooded airports protesting the president’s travel ban (which judges later ruled unconstitutional), officials within the government have leaked classified

Week 28: Mission Statement

This week the president threw his support behind the RAISE Act . The RAISE Act is a new bill being introduced to congress that would dramatically change how legal immigration works in the United States. Here are the main points of the RAISE Act:     The amount of legal immigrants admitted would be cut in half. The United States seeks immigrants that are highly educated, young, speak English, are rich or predicted to be rich, and/or have received international awards.    If this doesn’t sound like your ancestors, then you are like me. My grandparents spoke English (with an Irish accent) and were young. However, they barely went to school and had no money or international awards. Whether you’re an immigrant American, African American or Native American, you are probably wondering: how does this help me? If all we bring in is super smart, rich, English speaking, connected people, doesn't that make it more difficult for me to compete for quality jobs? It seems

Week 26/27: Work

“We are getting nothing done!” -John McCain The past few weeks my family and I have been traveling. We went to my brother’s family’s cabin in Northern Wisconsin and all the way down to Atlanta, Georgia to visit friends. In total we logged about 2000 miles and set foot (or at least tires) in six states. Meanwhile in Washington, the House and Senate have been unable to produce any legislation on health care. They have tried and failed a few times, prompting John McCain to utter the above quote in a speech he made to the senate, days after being hospitalized for brain cancer.   John McCain addressing the Senate on July 25, 2017 CNN When I heard this quote, I immediately thought about all the Americans out there that are “getting things done!” Without these Americans, our family vacation would have been impossible. Without these Americans, much of what we do on a daily basis would be impossible. We filled up at gas stations run by entrepreneurs. We rode next to proud tr