Our Past: On Trial
It’s a cold, grey and wet weekend in Chicago. This is normal. It’s October, what do you expect? My Dad used to walk around the house lamenting these kind of days when I was a kid. At random moments he would simply bellow out in a loud and deliberate voice “cold, grey, wet October!” Us kids would be like, “yeah, what’s your point?” He didn’t have one. I think he was just moved by certainty of Chicago autumn. It always came. It was always cold. It was alway grey. It was always wet. It was part of life in Chicago. Clearly, it still is. Cold, Grey, Wet October! In the 1980s and 90s I grew up with a lot of certainties. Some simple, like “the Cubs and Sox will never win the World Series” and “you don’t put ketchup on hotdogs.” Other certainties were more profound like “boys will be boys” and “snitches get stitches”. Well… the Cubs and the Sox have won the World Series and I don’t really eat hot dogs anymore. You can see where my loyalties lie... This week tho...