
Showing posts from January, 2020

Hindsight is 2020

The year 2020 will live in infamy. In American history, it will rival the years of 1776, 1860 and 1941. In 1776, our republic was born. In 1860, our republic was split. In 1941, our republic was attacked. In 2020 our republic…  Hindsight is 2020. By looking at the past, I can see clearly that we are at a pivotal point in our history.  In 1776, the writing was on the wall. The Stamp and Townshend acts were nearly 10 years old. The Boston Massacre happened in 1770, the Boston Tea Party in 1773. In 1775, Patrick Henry gave his famous “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech. Americans had a choice to make. Live under tyranny or risk everything. The rest is history.  Our new country forged ahead but soon we were at another turning point. 1860. In the years leading up to that povital year we grappled with our institution of slavery. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was published in 1852, sparking widespread support for abolition in the North. The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1...