
Showing posts from November, 2020

An Election Reflection

A black garbage bag covers my window. I put it up, because without it, the sun shines in and blinds me from what I need. My screen. I need to get curtains. I need to do a lot of things .But my screen calls, so I spend a lot of time with it. I used to work at a school with people, but now I work in an attic with a screen. I’m lucky to have the attic, the screen, and the job. I keep telling myself that.   Here I am, on my day off, back in the attic. I usually don’t do this. It’s bad for my health. On my days off, the screen is closed and the attic is empty. I try to get out past the black garbage bag and into the sunlight. I am grateful for those times. However, today is no ordinary day. (In fact, ordinary is not a word we use here in 2020). But of all the days in 2020, this is the big one. Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Election day here in America. Like many Americans, I already voted. I took the opportunity to vote by mail. Millions have voted by mail or at early polling places. In many s