Week 14: Dear French Voters
Dear French Voters, Bonjour! It’s me, your old friend, the American voter. Long time no write. I’ve been thinking a lot about us lately, so I decided to write you a letter. After all, we’re the ones that started this whole “democratic republic” thing. So many memories. Heck, if it wasn’t for you guys, we still might be part of Great Britain, ruled by a king! Can you imagine that? Your Enlightenment thinkers like Descartes, Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu, and so many others were the architects of both our revolutions. Those were challenging times but we both pulled though. You guys had our back when we fought off the Brits, and man we were cheering for you as you stormed the Bastille. Vive la République! This whole “democratic republic” thing has not been easy. We’ve both had our missteps and learning curves. It took us a while to realize that ALL the people in our nation deserve the rights we set aside in the “Bill of Rights,” and you guys struggled with the whole col...