Week 21: Words

Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care, for people will hear them
and be influenced by them for good or ill.

I am a firm believer of the saying, “actions speak louder than words.” In my home, community, and work life I try my best to be a good example that others can follow. I believe that this is the most effective way to lead and influence others.

This week has reminded that, when it comes to leading by example, words matter. I would argue that in this digital age, they matter more than they used it.

On Wednesday, Thomas Hodgkinson found it necessary to open fire as Republican lawmakers were practicing for a bipartisan charity baseball game. He seriously wounded Republican Senator Steve Scalise and several others before he was killed by Capitol Police, who thank God were there as part of a security detail.

Why would a 66 year old man from Illinois travel to DC to kill lawmakers? This is a question that everyone in this country needs to ask themselves right now. Are all the “words we utter” “chosen with care”? This man was influenced by the context of this country. Some might say “come on Mike, this guy was clearly crazy.” To that I say, Why didn’t he shoot Republicans last year or the year before? Why now?

It’s the same reason that hate crimes are on the rise (source). There is hate in the air. Just like love breeds love, hate breeds hate. All of us from the president down need to make sure that our words are “chosen with care,” because people are listening.

I’ll give you a few examples:

We may have our differences but we do well in times like these to remember that everyone who serves in our nation’s capital is here because, above all, they love our country.   
-Donald Trump’s response to the shooting

That makes you feel good, doesn’t it? I am not a supported of the president but this type of message make me feel good. This, coupled with the photo below and I am ready to hold hands and sing God Bless America.

Republicans and Democrats joining together in prayer for the victims. Source

The next day:

Hillary 2.png

Now we are back to an “us and them” situation. On the 14th there was only an “us”, by the 15th I felt like a “them” again. What changed? Words. Nothing actually changed. Only words from our president.

There is a good example of this right now in the Catholic world. Pope Francis has changed so many people's views about Catholicism, both Catholics and non-Catholics, that author John Gehring wrote a book called The Francis Effect. What parts of the Catholic Church has Francis actually changed? Almost nothing. However, people’s perceptions have changed. Why? Words.

I like to think that the Pope improves thousands if not millions of lives everyday simply by uttering words that are “chosen with care.” The Pope can do it. The president can do it. We can do it.    

Sure, our scope may be smaller but we can influence people “for good or ill.” In this world of so many words, let’s start with ours. Let’s make sure that they “are chosen with care.” I’m not just talking about politics. I’m talking about all aspects of our life. I know I can think more about the words I say to my family and friends. I’ve learned the hard way that those darn kids are always listening! I can speak more eloquently in the neighborhood or at work. It may be easy to lash out and gossip but does that influence people for good?

That’s our homework this week. Think about our words before we utter them and try to influence people for good. Just like real homework, sometimes it may seem like a waste of time but as we learned this week, words matter.   


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