
Showing posts from 2019

Justice for All

Justice for All  -Mike Walsh  “ I pledge allegiance…  To corporate tax cuts and veteran teachers  with endless student loan debt.  To dwindling pension and retirement funds  and rising healthcare costs.  ... to the flag… That flies from my front porch but is too often at half staff  on the flagpole at school.   We stand for the flag.  Why do we stand for the killings?     ...of the United States of America,  We need to see the school counselor and talk about our past and our future.  When we bottle it up,  we have outbursts like  Charlottesville and El Paso.   ...and to the republic for which it stands,  Ring! Ring! Ring! Welcome back, everyone!  They say hindsight is 2020 but foresight is all we have. Will our republic stand in 2020?    one Nation... Teacher! My blindfold doesn’t fit right.  Here let me help.  Can you see election meddling now?  No, I can’t see anything.  Perfect.  ...under God,  Teacher! M

Corporate Execs Detained

Preface: Last week when confronted with the news of the mass arrests of undocumented workers in Mississippi and subsequent separation of families in the process; I was appalled at the double standard of “justice” in our nation. Pundits flooded the airways with support for one side or the other. Most of it sounded like BS to me.  I struggled to formulate a response that properly magnified the absurdity of the situation. However, an idea came to me late one evening last week. Below is a satirical news article I wrote that attempts to highlight how unjust and unproductive raids like last week’s are in curbing illegal immigration.         Nearly 700 Corporate Executives Detained in Landmark Immigration Raid  -Mike Walsh  Sobbing, eleven year old Madeline Wynne spoke to the camera. “I need my Dad… he’s not a criminal!”   Madeline’s father was arrested along with nearly 700 other corporate executives charged with employing undocumented workers. The raids were condu

Most People are Good

It’s summer, and that means road trips. We’ve taken a couple long trips to West Virginia and Northern Wisconsin but mostly we have just been tooling around to various places closer to home like beaches, pools, parks and family-friend houses. Call us old fashion (not a stretch for me, I know) but we don’t bring our own music. We don’t use a phone. We don’t have playlists or mixtapes. We don’t even use the CD player. We just listen to the radio. Sure we have our favorite stations when we’re close to home but we also just like to press scan to see what comes up. In the middle of places like Ohio, Indiana or Wisconsin it’s often some evangelical Christian not so politely or subtly letting us know that we’re going to hell. We take that as a good reminder and then we move on to the next station. One time here in Chicago, I popped into a store for a minute and when I came back the kids were listening to Polish rap. Nate liked it so… Leah, Maddie and Nate getting goofy in the b

From Mikey Walsh to Miles Morales

Sniffling, Nate, my five year old said, “I want to be Spider-Man for Halloween but I can’t.” Even though it was the middle of June and I have no idea why he was thinking about Halloween, I responded. “Of course you can. Why couldn’t you?” He went on to explain that Spider-Man, the new one from the movie, Into the Spiderverse , has dark skin and fuzzy hair and, unless Nate can change his skin color and hair texture, he can never be Spider-Man.  Spider-Man AKA Miles Morales.  Half African American half Puerto Rican kid from Brooklyn.   I will let that soak in for a minute.  People of color have been having conversations like these with their children for years but for me, a White guy raised in the 80s and 90s, this is new.  My childhood was a good time to be Mike Walsh. From the Life Cereal commercials starring a kid named Mikey who looked a lot like me that “likes it,” to Mikey Walsh, the main character and saver of the neighborhood in The Goonies. There wa


The economy is stronger than it’s been in years. ISIS no longer holds territory in the Middle East and we have less troops fighting in foreign wars than any time since 9/11. On paper our country seems more stable at home and abroad then it’s been in a generation. So, why would I title this post crisis?      2012… Long before Trump started his run for the presidency he seemed to have a theory on what gets votes and consolidates power. Chaos and crises. He ran an election on it, and won. Drain the swamp! Build the wall! Lock her up! Think about it. 2015-2016 was a time of relative stability. The recession was over. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were winding down. Times were good, considering. Yet, chaos and crisis won, even though there was no chaos and crisis. The “swamp” is not drained. The wall is not built. Hillary Clinton is not behind bars.   The game plan has not changed since he took office. He has sowed crises everywhere, but the irony is, there