Week 4: Helpless

This is the first week since the inauguration that I felt helpless. In past weeks I’ve been encouraged by all the backlash from the American people in defense if their neighbors. We have made some stands and I am proud of those stands. However, if you are anything like me, things seemed to spiral out of control this week. I think the reality of our country’s current situation is finally settling in. As it did, a sense of helplessness settled in with me.  

The departure of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn early this week reminded us that we are not alone in this world. Not only are we not alone but we happen to be the main player in the “world order” since 1945. Who knows the real truth behind the story? I’m not sure that matters. What does matter though; is that Russia is posturing and Donald Trump is our president.           

Flynn resigns from his post after 24 days.
The shortest tenure of a National Security Advisor in American History.

When Trump signed a flurry of Executive Orders in the first few weeks many Americans stepped-up in opposition. Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle pushed back on the benefits and costs of building “The Wall”. The courts ruled “The Ban” unconstitutional. Lastly, millions of Americans flocked to rallies at airports and in cities to support their neighbors or future neighbors. We know civil rights. We've been here before.

However, what the hell are we supposed to do about Russia? I teach Social Studies and I know a decent amount about history and current world issues. However, I am not going to try to pretend that I know what is going on between the Trump Administration and Russia. There are conspiracy theorists on the left and right that can lead you into a black-hole if that’s your thing.

The president tried to calm our fears and set the record straight this week with his press conference. It was the right move but it sure didn’t calm my fears. It was long. It was combative. It was off topic. It was inaccurate. It made me feel helpless. He just fired his National Security Adviser and then at the press conference he said his administration was running “like a fine-tuned machine.” What?

Image from ABC News: Trump’s bewildering news conference.             

So, what do we do? I don’t like feeling helpless. I had the pleasure to talk to several good friends this week. I rode to and from from my annual pond hockey tournament with my good friend Mike. I spoke on email with my good friend Justin. I sat in a pub with my good friend Brian. We talked about this week’s events. I shared my sense of helplessness.

Gallagher and Walsh .jpg
Mike and I looking tired as ever at the pond hockey tournament.

Like a sunrise on the horizon an old prayer I once knew started to appear in my head. It brought a glimmer of hope. It reads:    

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.

-Edward Everett Hale

Let us think about what we can do and do it. I can teach. I can parent. I can be kind. I can write. I can…

Let us stay connected to the events of the week always on guard for what we can do. However, let us not allow helplessness engulf us as it did to me this week.

We cannot do everything but we can do something. Do something.   


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